The source files for all examples can be found in /examples.

Support Vector Machine

We are showing how to solve a support vector machine problem with COSMO (and JuMP).

Generating the Dataset

We want to classify the points in this example dataset with $m = 100$ samples and $n = 2$ features:

using Distributions: MvNormal
using Plots, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, Random, Test
# Generate dataset
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(123);
num_samples = 100;
Xpos = rand(rng, MvNormal([1.5, 1.5], 1.25), div(num_samples, 2))';
Xneg = rand(rng, MvNormal([-1.5, -1.5], 1.25), div(num_samples, 2))';
ypos = ones(div(num_samples, 2));
yneg = -ones(div(num_samples, 2));
# Plot dataset
plot(Xpos[:, 1], Xpos[:, 2], color = :red, st=:scatter, markershape = :rect, label = "positive", xlabel = "x1", ylabel = "x2")
plot!(Xneg[:, 1], Xneg[:, 2], color = :blue, st=:scatter, markershape = :circle, label = "negative")
Example block output

with samples $(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m) \in \mathbb{R}^2$ and labels $y_i \in \{-1,1\}$.

Solving SVM as a QP

We want to compute the weights $w$ and bias term $b$ of the (soft-margin) SVM classifier:

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \|w\|^2 + \lambda \sum_{i=1}^m \text{max}(0, 1 - y_i(w^\top x_i - b)), \end{array}\]

where $\lambda$ is a hyperparameter. This problem can be solved as a quadratic program. We can rewrite above problem into an optimisation problem in primal form by introducing the auxiliary slack variables $t_i$:

\[t_i = \text{max}(0, 1 - y_i(w^T x_i - b)), \quad t_i \geq 0.\]

This allows us to write the problems in standard QP format:

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \|w\|^2 + \lambda \sum_{i=1}^m t_i\\ \text{subject to} & y_i (w^\top x_i - b) \geq 1 - t_i, \quad \text{for } i = 1,\ldots, m\\ & t_i \geq 0, \quad \text{for } i = 1,\ldots, m. \end{array}\]

Next, we will remove the bias term $b$ by adding an initial feature $x_0 = -1$ to each sample (now: $n = 3$):

X = [-ones(num_samples) [Xpos; Xneg]];
y = [ypos; yneg];
m, n = size(X)
(100, 3)

Modelling in JuMP

We can model this problem using JuMP and then hand it to COSMO:

using JuMP, COSMO
λ = 1.0; # hyperparameter
model = JuMP.Model(optimizer_with_attributes(COSMO.Optimizer, "verbose" => true));

@variable(model, w[1:n]);
@variable(model, t[1:m] >= 0.);
@objective(model, Min, w' * w  + λ * ones(m)' * t);
@constraint(model, diagm(0 => y) * X * w .+ t .- 1 .>= 0);
status = JuMP.optimize!(model)
          COSMO v0.8.9 - A Quadratic Objective Conic Solver
                         Michael Garstka
                University of Oxford, 2017 - 2022

Problem:  x ∈ R^{103},
          constraints: A ∈ R^{200x103} (500 nnz),
          matrix size to factor: 303x303,
          Floating-point precision: Float64
Sets:     Nonnegatives of dim: 200
Settings: ϵ_abs = 1.0e-05, ϵ_rel = 1.0e-05,
          ϵ_prim_inf = 1.0e-04, ϵ_dual_inf = 1.0e-04,
          ρ = 0.1, σ = 1e-06, α = 1.6,
          max_iter = 5000,
          scaling iter = 10 (on),
          check termination every 25 iter,
          check infeasibility every 40 iter,
          KKT system solver: QDLDL
Acc:      Anderson Type2{QRDecomp},
          Memory size = 15, RestartedMemory,
          Safeguarded: true, tol: 2.0
Setup Time: 0.18ms

Iter:	Objective:	Primal Res:	Dual Res:	Rho:
1	-1.2711e+03	1.8883e+01	9.5020e+00	1.0000e-01
25	 1.4390e+01	1.9116e-01	2.2694e-01	1.0000e-01
50	 1.5260e+01	6.6030e-02	2.2582e-02	1.0000e-01
75	 1.5404e+01	1.4637e-01	3.4191e-02	1.0000e-01
100	 1.5406e+01	3.5197e-02	9.2455e-04	1.0000e-01
125	 1.5407e+01	3.5177e-02	9.4742e-04	1.0000e-01
150	 1.5407e+01	3.5098e-02	2.8603e-05	1.0000e-01
175	 1.5561e+01	4.0316e-03	1.1067e+00	1.2825e+01
200	 1.5556e+01	7.9630e-04	1.9263e+00	9.9789e-01
225	 1.5555e+01	1.0381e-03	2.0181e-02	9.9789e-01
250	 1.5555e+01	6.0072e-04	4.3297e-03	9.9789e-01
275	 1.5555e+01	1.7551e-05	4.0054e-04	9.9789e-01
300	 1.5555e+01	4.4664e-06	8.3466e-05	9.9789e-01
325	 1.5555e+01	8.0736e-07	4.8018e-06	1.3197e-01

>>> Results
Status: Solved
Iterations: 335 (incl. 10 safeguarding iter)
Optimal objective: 15.55
Runtime: 0.005s (4.64ms)

The optimal weights $w = [w_0, w_1, w_2]^\top$ (where $w_0 = b$) are:

w_opt = JuMP.value.(w)
3-element Vector{Float64}:

Plotting the hyperplane

The separating hyperplane is defined by $w^\top x - b = 0$. To plot the hyperplane, we calculate $x_2$ over a range of $x_1$ values:

\[x_2 = (-w_1 x_1 - w_0) / w_2, \text{ where } w_0 = b.\]

x1 = -4:0.1:4;
x2 = (-w_opt[2] * x1  .- w_opt[1]) / w_opt[3]
plot!(x1, x2, label = "SVM separator", legend = :topleft)
Example block output

Modelling with COSMO

The problem can also be solved by transforming it directly into COSMO's problem format. Define COSMO`s $x$-variable to be $x=[w, t]^\top$ and choose $P$, $q$, accordingly:

P = blockdiag(spdiagm(0 => ones(n)), spzeros(m, m));
q = [zeros(n); 0.5 * λ * ones(m)];

Next we transform the first constraint $y_i (w^\top x_i - b) \geq 1 - t_i, \quad \text{for } i = 1,\ldots, m$ into COSMO's constraint format: $Ax + b \in \mathcal{K}$.

A1 = [(spdiagm(0 => y) * X) spdiagm(0 => ones(m))];
b1 = -ones(m);
cs1 = COSMO.Constraint(A1, b1, COSMO.Nonnegatives);

It remains to specify the constraint $t_i \geq 0, \quad \text{for } i = 1,\ldots, m$:

A2 = spdiagm(0 => ones(m));
b2 = zeros(m);
cs2 = COSMO.Constraint(A2, b2, COSMO.Nonnegatives, m+n, n+1:m+n);

Create, assemble and solve the COSMO.Model:

model2 = COSMO.Model();
assemble!(model2, P, q, [cs1; cs2]);
result2 = COSMO.optimize!(model2);
w_opt2 = result2.x[1:3];
@test norm(w_opt2 - w_opt, Inf) < 1e-3
Test Passed

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