
By default COSMO's ADMM algorithm is wrapped in a safeguarded acceleration method to achieve faster convergence to higher precision. COSMO uses accelerators from the COSMOAccelerators.jl package.

By default, the solver uses the accelerator type AndersonAccelerator{T, Type2{QRDecomp}, RestartedMemory, NoRegularizer}. This is the classic type-II Anderson acceleration method where the least squares subproblem is solved using an updated QR method. Moreover, the method is restarted, i.e. the history of iterates is deleted, after mem steps and no regularisation for the least-squares method is used.

In addition, the method is safeguarded (safeguard = true), i.e. the residual-norm of the accelerated point can not deviate too much from the current point. Otherwise, the point is discarded and the ADMM algorithm performs a normal step instead.

The acceleration method can be altered as usual via the solver settings and the accelerator keyword. To deactivate acceleration pass an EmptyAccelerator:

settings = COSMO.Settings(accelerator = EmptyAccelerator)

To use the default accelerator but with a different memory size (number of stored iterates) use:

settings = COSMO.Settings(accelerator = with_options(AndersonAccelerator, mem = 15))

To turn the safeguarding off use:

settings = COSMO.Settings(safeguard = false)

To use an Anderson Accelerator of Type-I with a rolling-memory (oldest iterate replaced by newest) approach, use:

settings = COSMO.Settings(accelerator = AndersonAccelerator{Float64, Type1, RollingMemory, NoRegularizer})

For more fine-grained control look at the implementation of the accelerator here.

When JuMP is used, the accelerator settings can be passed in the usual way:

model = JuMP.Model(optimizer_with_attributes(COSMO.Optimizer, "accelerator" => with_options(AndersonAccelerator, mem = 15)))

Or using the set_optimizer_attribute() method:

model = JuMP.Model(COSMO.Optimizer);
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "accelerator", with_options(AndersonAccelerator, mem = 15))